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Gil Hibben
Hibben Knives is a renowned brand synonymous with craftsmanship, innovation, and legendary designs. Founded by legendary knife maker Gil Hibben, Hibben Knives offers a diverse range of handcrafted blades that cater to both utility and collectability. Hibben Knives are meticulously crafted and each knife is a testament to the dedication and expertise of this company, showcasing the finest materials and superior craftsmanship. Hibben Knives hold a special place in the hearts of enthusiasts, as they are not only functional tools but also cherished heirlooms that can be passed down through generations. The legacy of Hibben Knives extends to many iconic collaborations which includes artist Paul Ehlers have resulting in stunning fantasy pieces and many notable movie knives and swords from The Lord of the Rings, Rambo III and IV, The Expendables franchise, and most notably Hibben knives holds the esteemed position of being the Official Armourer of the Klingon Empire for the Star Trek franchise.