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Crawford Handmade Knives

Crawford Handmade Knives

Wes hung around the knife shop all of his life and learned to make knives from his father, Pat Crawford, a well known and liked knifemaker and member of the Knifemaker's Guild. Pat is retired now Wes has taken over at Crawford Knives.
Crawford Knives is proud to display many different designs featuring self defense knives used by people around the world such as: The FBI - CIA - SECRET SERVICE - U.S. MARSHALS - DEA -MILITARY - LAW ENFORCEMENT - BODYGUARDS - FIREMEN - SECURITY GUARDS - AND KRUGER PARK RANGERS.
All Crawford knives are handmade in shop that is out back where it has been since 1972. They use the finest steels, handle materials and fittings, hand grinding and making the parts and knives here in thier own shop.

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