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Latama Quick Release Needle Lube 1/4oz Pack of 2




Our Price: $19.99

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Each kit contains 2 of the 1/4oz needle oilers as shown.

Bring out the BEST in your automatic or folding knife! Did you ever put WD40 in the pivot of a knife that needed lube and see it get even worse? That we have seen there is no product better than this for freeing up the blades on Hubertus or any Italian made auto opener. Most of those knives have small amounts of buffing compound (a waxy polish paste) in the pivots and many oils will just gum it up - but no quick release it was specially formulated for those and any other knives that need lubrication.

QUICK RELEASE is formulated on a foundation of high quality oil, newly advanced technologies and never before used additives, safeguards your knife from damaging friction, rust and grime.Quick Release was developed specifically for knives by Custom Knife Maker Michael (Tank) Fisher to magnify performance.
Performance testing has proven that QUICK RELEASE has the exceptional ability to reduce friction between blade, metal liner and pivot points while reducing the build up of grime and mineral deposits on moving parts from sweat, pocket or foreign particles.
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